Task: Project director, Lead programmer (gameplay AI), sound designer, composer, producer and writer.

Project: Broken Pieces is a psychological thriller taking place in a french coastal village somehow outside the flow of time. Solve the mysteries by putting the pieces of the story back together by figuring out the enigma behind this mystical place.

500 k Listen on spotify on march 2024.

Official Adress: https://store.steampowered.com/app/1293730/Broken_Pieces/

  DNIEPR   |  VIDEO GAME  -  2013
Task: In charge of the Music and the Sound Design.

Project: Dniepr is a modification of the original game Left 4 dead 2; It has taken 3 years to finish and had a bit less than 1 Million download.

Official Adress: http://www.elseware-experience.com/dniepr/
  MAKE EM PAY   |  PARTY GAME  -  2018
Task: Everything.

Project: Make Em Pay is a prototype party game fully created by me. From the 3D to the gameplay, I wanted here to succeed in making a game from the concept to a good state of graphism / playability. The game was featured at the top of the multiplayer game list on itch.io during multiple weeks.
SoundCloud Playlist

Official Adress: itch.io webpage

Platform: PC - Linux - Mac
  ARCHITECTURE   |  Tour and Videos  -  2014
Task: Adding music to short architectural tours.

Official Adress:Benoit's folio
Task: In charge of the Music and the Sound Design

Project: Logistique was my first game project; It's a modification of the original game "Half life 2". A first episode was released in 2008.

Official Adress: http://www.elseware-experience.com/logistique/